Process & Updates


Member Survey Results Reviewed

In mid 2024, the Local launched an online bargaining survey to get your input on the priorities important to you. Thank you to the members who submitted their recommendations for new and/or changes to existing articles in the Collective Agreement. This information will form part of the Union’s proposal package at the bargaining table. 

The Union’s proposals are determined through input from the members, from the Executive and by paying close attention to other settlements in Saskatchewan and across the country. 

How to stay Informed during Bargaining

We’re committed to keeping you informed. Once bargaining begins, we’ll be issuing regular communications to keep you up to date.

During this important time, please make sure the Union has your current home email address. Bargaining bulletins will also be posted on the Local 21 website. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Union office dirctly at: (306) 352-8282 or email the 

Thank you for your support. 

What are Contract Negotiations?

Contract negotiations are at the very heart of what a union does and is. The Union contract determines the wages, benefits and working conditions that members have; it is the concrete outcome of the Union's efforts to improve the lives of its members.

How Negotiations Work?

The contract is negotiated between management and the Union. Each side sends a committee to the bargaining table. Preparations for negotiations may begin months before the old contract expires. What the Union asks for at the bargaining table is determined by the input members give when they are asked what they would like to see in the next contract.

During negotiations, the Union Bargaining Committee reports back to members on their progress. When each side has reached a tentative agreement and the Bargaining Committee feels that it's the best contract offer that, they can achieve, the members will get to vote on whether to accept or reject the contract.

NOTE: The current Collective Agreement remains in force and affect after the expiry date until a new contract is successfulty negotiend and ratified by the membership.

Winning Strong Contracts

The key to winning good contracts is a strong Union, and the key to a strong Union is an informed, active membership. This is one reason why it's important for all members of Local 21 to support the Bargaining Committee during contract negotiations.

Local 21 Bargaining Committee: 


Tyler Hutchinson, 1st Vice President & Acting President

Heather Woolsey, Recording Secretary

Hugh Bigler, Secretary Treasurer

Scott Fischer, Grievance Chair, Facilities & Recreation

Darren Scrochenski, Grievance Chair, Water, Waste & Envirnomental Services 

Jamie Mellor, CUPE National Staff Representative 


City of Regina Bargaining Committee:


Maria Burns, Manager, Client Services & Labour Relations 

Kelly Pihach, Senior Labour Relations Consultant

Mandy McGregor,  Senior Human Resources Consultant

Russell Eirich, Manager, Open Space Services

Mike Ede, Manager, Roadways Maintenace Operations

Bargaining Updates:


Update #1:

The L21 Baragining Committee presented the proposed bargaining package to the membership on January 8, 2025, which occurred at the Italian Club / main hall and by Zoom link.

Thank you to the members who took part in this important process and provided constructive feedback.

Update #2:

Local 21 and City of Regina Bargaining Committees are set to exchange packages on January 10, 2025.

The two (2) parties have also scheduled bargaining sessions for: 

- January 16, 17, 20, 21, & 23, 2025.

- February 27 & 28 2025.

NOTE: As always, the Union does not bargain in the media. The rumour mill will be hard at work during bargaining. Please don’t believe anything you hear unless it comes from your Union Bargaining Committee. If you have any questions or concerns; we ask that you contact the Union office directly.­

Update #3:

L21 is working on a brief update for the membership on the status of bargaining. I need to avoid sharing sensitive information, but here's what I can provide for now. 

L21 has met with the City of Regina on January 10, 17, 20, 21 and 23, 2025.

The City of Regina and L21 are currently scheduled to meet on February 27 & 28, 2025, however, additional meetings may be scheduled as required.

Initial negotiations have been going well. 

Update #4:

Contract (CBA) Ratification Presentation & Vote will take place on:

Date: March 22, 2025

Time: 10:30 am & 1:00 pm

Location: Italian Club Hall

Please note:

- Both meeting times will start on time.

- If these start times happen to fall within your working hours, you must gain permission from your superviosr or manager to attrend.
